Folkmanis - Barred Rock Rooster Puppet
Folkmanis - Barred Rock Rooster Puppet
A calm and quirky rooster that is known for being an inquisitive breed. Design details include lovely fluffy tail feathers and a vibrant face. The perfect puppet to bring a puppet show to life.
Pair with the following books:
The Rooster Struts by Richard Scarry
The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet! by Carmen Agra Deedy and Eugene Yelchin
The Cockerel and The Fox by Helen Ward
Super Rooster Saves the Day by Maureen Wright and Rob McClurkan
Cock-a-doodle-poo! by Steve Smallman and Florence Weiser
Rooster Wore Skinny Jeans by Jesse Miller.
Suitable for ages: 3+ years