Nana Huchy - Henry the Highland Cow Charcoal

Nana Huchy - Henry the Highland Cow Charcoal


Henry was a little nervous about his wife Heidi's idea to move them all the way across the world from the highlands of Scotland to Australia, but the cheerful Farm Friends have made the couple feel so welcome that Henry couldn't imagine another life now. He loves spending lazy Spring afternoons sunbaking in the daisy fields while getting mites out of his shaggy coat. Henry does feel some regret, however, that he wasn't able to find the Loch Ness Monster before they left their farm in Scotland. Oh well, not to worry Bill the Duck & Frank the Frog told Henry ALL about the legendary Bunyip hiding in their farm lake. Henry mooed & stamped his hooves in delight when he heard a new quest is just what he needs to while away the hours.

Nana Hachy

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