Arriving Soon - Nana Huchy - Bill the Duck

Arriving Soon - Nana Huchy - Bill the Duck


Over the hill, quite far away, Bill the Duck is practicing his singing. Bill is the lead singer in The Farm Buddies Folk Band. Most people assume ducks can't carry a tune but Bill is an exception will his silky smooth tones. He loves being a part of the farmyard band with Sophie the Sheep, they perform soothing lullabies that help children drift to the land of nod. Dimensions: 28cm

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Nana Huchy - Sammy the Sheep

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Nana Huchy - Sam the Sheep

Nana Huchy - Poppy Pig

Nana Huchy - Poppy Pig

Arriving Soon - Nana Huchy - Max the Dog

Arriving Soon - Nana Huchy - Max the Dog

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Arriving Soon - Nana Huchy - Roy the Rooster
